Blast Destroys N.H. Home, Antiques Collection

Sept. 24, 2014
A leaking propane tank is blamed for causing the explosion in Danville.

DANVILLE, N.H. — Hundreds of antiques collected over 40 years were destroyed in an explosion at a Main Street home, shattering the lives of William and Susan Foster.

But the Fosters, who lived at 583 Main St. for 33 years, are thankful they and their dog weren’t home when the blast rocked their home shortly after 7 p.m. Monday. 

Only 10 minutes after leaving, an explosion — believed to be caused by a leaking propane tank — knocked the home several feet off its foundation and blew out a bedroom wall.

“I’ve been in tears,” Susan Foster said. “I didn’t sleep last night. ... It’s all gone.”

Approximately 15 firefighters responded after receiving a 911 call from a neighbor. There was no fire, but the nearly 300-year-old home was structurally unsound and in danger of collapsing, Danville fire Chief Steve Woitkun said.

When firefighters arrived, there was a light on in the second floor of the two-and-a-half story home, Woitkun said.

“We were concerned someone was still in there,” he said.

After a quick search, it was determined no one was inside and firefighters were ordered out, he said.

“I was concerned for the safety of my guys; it was too unstable,” Woitkun said. “I didn’t want to put anyone in danger.”  

An investigator from the New Hampshire Fire Marshal’s Office was at the home much of the day yesterday, trying to determine the cause. The home needed to be stabilized before anyone could enter.   

The couple, who are in their 60s, were still stunned as they examined the debris and personal items lying on their front lawn, including a Wallace Nutting print. Window frames were blown out, the glass still intact.

The home was cordoned off with yellow caution tape. Susan Foster clutched a glass candle holder she found in the grass.

“You see these things in the news and it’s always someone else,” she said. “This time, it’s me.”

She told of how they had completely renovated the home and were enjoying their retirement. William Foster said he had just finished painting the home Monday.

But that morning, the couple smelled a strong odor of propane in the home and noticed the 100-pound tank on their deck was empty. They used propane to operate their kitchen stove, washer and dryer, she said.

Susan Foster called Amerigas and the couple waited in the driveway for hours. Someone from the company finally came about 6 p.m., she said. 

“I asked them to check it out because it ran out about two months earlier than usual,” she said. 

The gas company employee hauled the leaking tank away. No one from Amerigas could be reached for comment.

The couple drove to Fremont to get dinner. Then, Susan Foster got a call from a friend saying she was sorry to hear about the explosion.

The homeowner was dumbfounded.

“I said, ‘You’re nuts, you’re crazy, it’s fine — I was just there,”’ she said. 

Then, she got another call placed by someone from the fire department who found her husband’s cellphone on the second floor of their home. 

The couple rushed home to find firefighters searching the house. The utilities were immediately shut off. Firefighters remained at the home for about three hours Monday night, Woitkun said.

The couple stayed at a rental home overnight in Hampton with their Bichon Frise — named Hampton. 

Susan Foster said the couple has insurance, but she doubted it would cover their losses. Most of the antiques are irreplaceable, she said. They included 18th- and 19th-century furniture and about 70 oil lamps.

But the biggest loss would be the home. Woitkun said officials had not determined if it could be saved.

“We are going to be without a home for quite a while,” Susan Foster said.

Danville Animal Control Officer Sheila Johannesen said although she didn’t know the couple, she wanted to help them out.

She established a fund in the couple’s name at TD Bank. Checks can be sent in care of William and Susan Foster, TD Bank, 53 Church St., Kingston, 03848. 

“We are all neighbors,” Johannesen said. “I hope everything works out for them.”


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