Alsea Geospatial, Inc.

Corvallis, OR 97339-2380


About Alsea Geospatial, Inc.


PO Box 2380
Corvallis, OR 97339-2380
(541) 754-5034
(888) 503-6797

More Info on Alsea Geospatial, Inc.

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Alsea Geospatial, Inc. (AGI), located in Corvallis, Oregon, incorporated in April 1996 and quickly developed a core natural resource GIS services business. AGI has grown into an IT company providing mobile apps, custom software development, SQL database administration, GIS analysis and cloud hosted web-mapping sites. An ESRI business partner since 1997, the firm specializes in making GIS easy to use. AGI is an Oregon State certified WBE/DBE. The company holds GSA Schedule 70 contract and is a certified Small Business Administration HubZone company.

IncidentView, by Alsea Geospatial, Inc., is a First Responder mapping solution.  IncidentView finds response locations by address, intersections, landmarks and coordinates.  Clickable dispatches are displayed in a popup which zooms the map to the response location.  Tactical information such as hydrants, stand pipes, KnoxBox, and pre-plans is displayed on the map. Real time AVL displays responding vehicles, including yours, on the map.  IncidentView is available for Windows, Android and iOS.

Products and Press Releases

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Computers & Accessories


Nov. 11, 2013
IncidentView, by Alsea Geospatial, Inc. (AGI), is First Responder mapping software. IncidentView finds response locations by address, intersections, landmarks and coordinates....


Colleen Mason

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