Ted Nee

Ted Nee is a 33-year veteran of the fire and emergency services. He began his career in 1983 with the Albuquerque Fire Department (AFD) where he rose through the ranks to the position of deputy chief before retiring in 2003. Nee helped to design the AFD simulation lab and developed simulations for the company officer certification program. In 2007 he joined the Emergency Response Organization at Sandia National Labs, where he served as the lead command trainer and Command Training Center coordinator. Nee left Sandia National Labs in 2015 to focus on building simulations and teaching Fire Studio classes to response organizations across the United States and Canada. He is also a certified Blue Card incident commander, instructor and simulation developer. Nee is the co-author of “Fire Dynamics” with Dan Madrzykowski of the UL Fire Safety Research Institute and Lieutenant John Ceriello of the FDNY. He is an instructor for the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) Principles of Modern Fire Attack SLICE-RS program.