Video: MA Firefighters Union Holds Rally to Protest Cuts

Aug. 10, 2020
New Bedford's firefighters union is pushing back against a proposal by the mayor that would take the department's Engine 8 out of service and cut 10 vacant firefighter positions.

A Massachusetts firefighters union held a rally Sunday in its continuing efforts to keep an engine in operation.

A proposal by Mayor Jon Mitchell would cut New Bedford Fire Department's Engine 8, as well as 10 open firefighter positions, WJAR-TV reports. The cuts are driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and are being done to avoid layoffs, a city spokesman told the TV station.


But the union contends that the proposal would threaten public safety. To underline its point, the union held a protest Sunday at Station 8 on New Bedfored's north side.

“If you look in the neighborhood where he is cutting it, we should absolutely not be cutting any kind of service or any kind of fire companies in this area,” Billy Sylvia, president of New Bedford's firefighters union, said at the rally, according to WJAR. “This is the most densely populated area in the city.”

City officials faced criticism last year for instituting rolling station blackouts, which came under scrutiny following two fatal fires. The blackout policy was halted in March.