The ProActive Fire and Rescue System (ProFARS™) was developed by Maker Consulting as a turnkey solution for real world emergency management. The multi-tiered system architecture enables ProFARS™ to be the first and only platform designed to facilitate emergency coordination and cooperation between Government, Private Sector, and Civilian Populations. Combining ProFARS™ with mainstream technology has created a platform in which Dynamic Population Alerting and Real Time Location Tracking are achievable. ProFARS™ utilizes Tier-Specific functionality while maintaining a specific level of system integration to provide immediate access to previously unobtainable information. ProFARS™ is being offered to Fire and Rescue Departments for FREE.
ProFARS™ utilizes three main components; ProFARS™ Professional, ProFARS™ Commercial, and ProFARS™ Mobile App. When combined with mainstream technology, ProFARS™ creates a non-discriminatory platform in which emergency planning and individual safety are achievable for every single person. While all three of the components work independently, when combined, ProFARS™ will enable emergency planning/coordinating, information sharing, dynamic population alerting, real time location tracking, and many other features not currently available on the market.
ProFARS™ Professional is a web based user interface designed for Fire and Rescue departments, Law Enforcement, and various other first responders. This system provides many different capabilities but several of the key features included are; 1) Location Based Tracking, 2) Physical Building Characteristics, 3) Ability to create, manage, and share Emergency Plans, and 4) Send/Receive Alerts to dynamic populations.
ProFARS™ Commercial provides property managers, schools, and individual store owners, malls, and various other public/private venues with similar capabilities of ProFARS™ Professional with one exception; individuals will only be able to aceess data for their specific properties. These indivdiuals can create, manage, and share emergency plans with First Responders, as well as send/receive emergency alerts from a dynamic population.
The ProFARS™ Mobile App allows individual users to create a user profile, and share emergency plans, notes, photos, and various other information. A major benefit of the ProFARS™ system is that it provides Mobile App users with the ability to provide as much (or as little) information as they are comfortable with sharing. The key point of the ProFARS™ Mobile App is that the more information an individual shares, the more informed First Responders will be in the event their services are required. Another key feature of the mobile app is that it provides users with the ability to send/receive alerts while they are in a ProFARS™ area. By utilizing the ProFARS™ Patent Pending method, mobile app users only receive emergency alerts based on their physical location. This means that as a user moves from one ProFARS™ area to another, they will only receive alerts based upon their current physical location. In the event a user sends/receives an emergency alert, they will also have the ability to enable their location based tracking. For additional security, mobile app users have the ability to determine if/when they provide tracking information to First Responders.