Product of the Day: CET Fire Pumps -- Intimidator UTV CET Skid Unit

July 2, 2019
We build our Skid Units with only the best components available on the market.

CET Intimidator UTV can carry up to 115 gallons of water and 5 gallons of foam to tackle a variety of fire-rescue scenarios in areas hard to reach by regular sized fire apparatus, and where hydrants may be scarce. Unit features the Intimidator brand Truck Series model UTV -mounted with a CET Skeeter 115 skid unit. This unit can provide timely and effective fire/rescue service with one of the largest water payloads offered on a UTV platform and can be used from state parks and DNR use to helping protect urban concerts & festivals and even high-rise parking garages. CET, No Hydrants, No Problem... The Flow Starts Here! For more information, go to

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