La Grande, OR, Hotshots OK after Tree Falls on Vehicle

May 7, 2024
The crew was headed to a fire line when the green Ponderosa Pine fell onto the windshield of their truck.

 La Grande Hotshot firefighters escaped injury when a large tree fell onto their vehicle as they were headed to a fire line.

The 19-inch wide Ponderosa Pine -- that officials learned was rotten in the middle -- hit the windshield as the vehicle was turning off Silver Lake Highway, KATU reported. 

“The employees are good, just a little shaken up,” said Cory Thompson, Safety Officer for the South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership Type 3 Incident Management Team. 

“It was a green tree and it was rotten in the middle. If you looked at [it], you probably could not identify it as a hazard tree.”  

Officials was 113-feet tall, with the top 18-feet hitting the vehicle. Glass shards were found throughout the cab of the truck. 

The firefighters are part of a group fighting the Little Yamsay Fire, burning in the Fremont-Winema National Forest.

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Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.