National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications, The Pro Board
Qunicy, MA 02269
About National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications, The Pro Board
The purpose of the Pro Board is to establish an internationally recognized means of acknowledging professional achievement in the fire service and related fields.
PO Box 690632 Qunicy, MA 02269 United States of America
More Info on National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications, The Pro Board
The purpose of the Pro Board ( is to establish an internationally recognized means of acknowledging professional achievement in the fire service and related fields. The accreditation of organizations that certify members of public fire departments, both career and volunteer, is the primary goal. However, other organizations with fire protection interests may also be considered for participation. Accreditation is generally provided at the State or Provincial level to the empowered certifying authority of that jurisdiction.
The Pro Board announces more than 350,000 Pro Board-recognized records for Department of Defense (DOD) members have been entered into its web-based certification registry.