PA City Mum on Suspensions of Several Firefighters
By Jeff Himler
Source Tribune-Review, Greensburg, Pa.
Several members of Latrobe Fire Department’s Goodwill Hose Company No. 1 have been suspended, Mayor Rosie Wolford said Thursday afternoon.
Wolford did not reveal the reason for the suspensions or specify the number of firefighters involved. Reversing recent media reports, she said the company’s operations are no longer suspended.
The Goodwill Hose Company No. 1, located at Oak and Alexandria streets, is one of five fire stations spread throughout the city. Others include the central fire station in the municipal building at Jefferson and Main streets.
“At no time was public safety at risk,” Wolford said in an emailed statement. She said the city “at all times had adequate emergency response personnel, equipment and apparatus to respond to any emergency.”
The matter is under review, she said, indicating the city “will address this matter as is appropriate and required by Latrobe’s charter and code.”
Wolford said she had no further comment.
Fire Chief John Brasile could not be reached for comment.
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