NVFC Releases Guide for New Fire Service Families

June 27, 2024
The guide introduces family members to the basics of the volunteer fire service life and provides guidance for keeping family relationships strong.

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is excited to announce the release of our new resource for volunteer fire service families. What to Expect: A Guide for New Firefighter Families (Second Edition) is designed to help new fire and EMS recruits along with their spouses/significant others, children, parents, siblings, and other family members make the adjustment to the volunteer fire service lifestyle.

Joining the fire service affects the entire family, and it is important for the responder's wellbeing and their retention that the family is on board to support their loved one throughout their emergency service journey.

The guide introduces family members to the basics of the volunteer fire service life and provides guidance for keeping family relationships strong, being part of the fire department family, and more. It also includes resources to help families best navigate their 'new normal.'

The guide is available for free download, or order up to 10 print copies in the NVFC store for just the cost of shipping, while supplies last. Provide a copy to all of your department's new fire and EMS recruits so that their families know what to expect as they embark on this new and wonderful journey with their loved one into the volunteer fire and emergency services family.

Download the guide here: https://bit.ly/firefighter-family-guide

Order print copies here: https://bit.ly/firefighter-family-guide-print

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Firehouse.com News

Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.

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