As of 7 a.m. Sunday, Wayne Township Emergency Medical Services will merge with Indianapolis.
All the ambulances will remain in the township stations as well as the personnel who become Indianapolis EMS employees.
"We're facing a financial deficit every year, which is going to lead us in about a year and a half to a fiscal cliff, and we have to find ways to save money to balance our budget out," Jeb Bardon, Wayne Township Trustee, told WTHR.
The decision wasn't an easy one, but it could reduce the tax rate by about 60%, he said.
Last month, township officials unanimously voted for the fire department to merge with Indianapolis Fire Department.
"There's a bit of emotion to it - it's been a part of local government and to lose that is a difficult thing. Change is hard, but from an operation standpoint and a budget standpoint and an employee standpoint, it's the right thing to do. Our union voted over 70% in favor of this so I think it's a good thing," Bardon said.