Two Fires Take Three Lives in Tennessee
Source The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Tenn.
Oct. 26--Hamblen County authorities are investigating two fires occurring Friday night that resulted in three fatalities.
One fire occurred on Spencer Hale Road, south of Morristown, at around midnight and caused two deaths.
According to Sheriff Esco Jarnagin, the victims were 4-year-old James Baker and his 74-year-old grandfather, Willie Jarnigan, no relation to the sheriff. The boy's father was also in the house,but got out safely.
The second fire occurred on Cedar Creek Road at 2 a.m. today and resulted in the death of Rose Marie Greene, 63, who was handicapped.
Jarnagin said, although the causes of the fires are not known, the two blazes were unrelated. The State Fire Marshal's Office is assisting with the investigation. The fires were handled by volunteer departments in Hamblen County.
More details as they develop online and in Sunday's News Sentinel.
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