For the Record 6/14

June 1, 2014

Federal Agencies Coordinate to Advance EMS

In an effort to further coordinate federal efforts in emergency medical services (EMS), the members of the Federal Interagency Committee on EMS (FICEMS) reached consensus on a strategic plan that maps action steps for federal support of optimal EMS systems nationwide.

FICEMS members recently approved and released the five-year plan, which was developed through a collaborative process and funded by three different departments.

FICEMS vision statement: A federal interagency committee that enhances coordination and ensures the strategic alignment of EMS priorities among Federal agencies to ensure quality patient care

FICEMS mission statement: Ensure coordination among Federal agencies, supporting local, regional, state, tribal and territorial emergency medical services and 9-1-1 systems, to improve the delivery of EMS services throughout the nation.

“The mission and vision statements clarify the role of FICEMS and our intention to support the needs and efforts of the EMS professionals across the nation who deliver care to their communities daily,” said Dr. Kathryn Brinsfield, Acting Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs and Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Homeland Security, and incoming FICEMS chair.

To download the FICEMS Strategic Plan, visit

NVFC Receives SAFER Grant for Recruitment and Retention Campaign

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has been awarded a $2,390,479 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to implement a national volunteer firefighter recruitment and retention campaign.

“The NVFC is pleased to accept a SAFER grant to launch a national campaign to help local departments recruit and retain volunteer firefighters,” said NVFC Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg. “With FEMA’s help, America’s volunteer fire service will be strengthened and communities will be better served and protected.”

The NVFC will use the SAFER grant to develop and implement “Recruit USA,” a national campaign designed to put ready-to-use tools and resources in the hands of local departments to help them recruit and retain members. In addition, the NVFC will conduct significant outreach to potential volunteers to encourage them to join their local fire department. The campaign will take place over a two-and-a-half year period.

 “As the co-chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, I have the privilege of working alongside our nation’s firefighters and hearing firsthand about the challenges they face,” said Congressman Steny Hoyer (MD-5) in a press release announcing the grant. “Today’s grant announcement will allow us to confront one of those challenges – the ability to keep our fire stations adequately staffed and prepared when disasters strike.”

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Firehouse Staff

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