Scuttlebutt 3/15

March 1, 2015
SMDI Honors Moore, Krear

SMDI Honors Moore, Krear

The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI), a business unit of AISI, honored Firehouse Contributing Editor Ron Moore and Elizabeth Krear, chief engineer on the Ram 1500 EcoDiesel, with its inaugural “Men and Women of Steel” awards, recognizing individuals for their innovative uses and applications of steel at work and in the community. The awards were presented during the 2015 North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

Moore was honored with the Community Hero Award, which recognizes those whose lives have been impacted through the use of advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) or who have used AHSS in a heroic manner. He was specifically recognized for his efforts in educating first responders and other emergency workers on cutting through steel parts made from AHSS. A retired firefighter who most recently served as safety and chief training officer for the McKinney, TX, fire department, Moore is an expert in the area of advanced vehicle rescue seminars and has dedicated much of his career to publishing papers and presentations and training first responders on vehicle rescue and extrication techniques. In addition to the award, Moore will be given a $5,000 grant to further support extraction techniques.

The Industry Innovator Award, presented to Krear, acknowledges automotive designers or engineers who showcase innovation in their use of AHSS. The Ram 1500 EcoDiesel uses AHSS to help achieve fuel economy of 28 mpg, making it the top performing truck in its class. SMDI will make a $5,000 contribution in Krear’s name to the scholarship fund at Wayne State University’s College of Engineering, Krear’s alma mater.

FDNY Commissioner Promotes Top EMS Chiefs

FDNY Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro has appointed two veteran EMS officers to the top ranks in the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS): James P. Booth as Chief of EMS and Michael J. Fitton as Assistant Chief of EMS

Chief Booth, a 31-year veteran who most recently served as Division Chief in the Bronx, will now supervise 3,700 EMTs, Paramedics, EMS Officers and civilian employees in the EMS Bureau, and will be responsible for overseeing operations, planning, strategic initiatives and logistics.   

Chief Fitton, a 30-year veteran who until recently was Chief of Emergency Medical Dispatch, will serve as Chief Booth’s second-in-command.

“James Booth and Mike Fitton are extraordinarily skilled managers, with vast experience in the critical areas of EMS operations, dispatch and – most importantly – pre-hospital patient care, and their commitment to the Department will improve our ability to provide the best response and patient care we can for all New Yorkers,” said Commissioner Nigro.

“With more than 20 years’ experience as a supervisor with a track record of excellent performance, both in the field and as a team member on several critical agency projects, Chief Booth is a great choice to lead our Bureau of EMS,” said Chief of Department James E. Leonard. “He and Chief Fitton – who also has a wealth of field experience, along with his vast knowledge of our dispatch system – will make a great leadership team for EMS.”

Las Vegas Firefighters Help Send Veterans on Honor Flight

The Las Vegas Firefighters donated $2,000 to Honor Flight of Southern Nevada on January 23, 2015 at the Veterans Memorial in Boulder City, NV. The money donated came from proceeds from their camouflage “Veterans Day” t-shirts, which were sold in early November.

“We are proud to present this check to Honor Flight of Southern Nevada in honor of our local veterans,” said Scott Johnson, president of the Las Vegas Firefighters. “We are grateful to be able to help these veterans visit the memorials in Washington, D.C. This truly is an exceptional organization that will put the money towards a great, local cause.”

Honor Flight of Southern Nevada is a non-profit organization founded in June 2013, as a part of the national Honor Flight Network, created solely to honor America's veterans for all of their sacrifices. Honor Flight is a volunteer based, local organization. Their mission is simple: to fly our World War II Veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials that stand in their honor.

Third Annual Joey Foundation Seminar

The Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation is holding its third annual seminar this May to raise funds to purchase personal life safety systems (PLSS) and training for fire departments that cannot afford to do so. This is all done in honor and remembrance of Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo, Rescue Company #3, FDNY, who gave his life in the line of duty due to a lack of a PLSS. DiBernardo was a long-time volunteer firefighter and fire officer in the Setauket, NY, Volunteer Fire Department. He was also a founding member of the Brookhaven Technical Rescue Team and taught at the Suffolk County Fire Academy. The Foundation gave out close to $30,000 in grants in 2014 to departments for training and purchase of PLSS.

This year, attendees will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet, listen to and do a Q&A with the legendary firefighters from the “War Years” in the South Bronx who were featured in the documentary film, The Bronx is Burning. There will also be a Friday night “Meet & Greet” where attendees will have to chance to speak one-on-one with their instructors and other fire service leaders.

The Saturday program features sessions given by nationally recognized experts from around the country, including:

  • Counter Terrorism Planning – Chief John Nykiel from the Center for Counter Terrorism & Disaster Planning will show how to prepare your department.
  • University of Extrication-Hybrid Vehicles – Firehouse columnist Chief Ron Moore will present this class to guide you in the safe operations at these incidents.
  • FDNY/NIST Live Burn Flow Path Study – Professor Dan Madryzkowski and FDNY Chief John Ceriello will speak about this eye-opening study.
  • Street Smart Tactical Truck Tips & Tricks – Lt. Mike Ciampo, FDNY, will share his knowledge gained in over 30 years of firefighting.

Go to for more information about the Foundation.

LVFR Gets Palm Tree Rescue Training

Palm tree rescue training? It may not sound important in your neck of the woods, but to the residents of Las Vegas, Phoenix and Southern California, it is a big deal. From people and animals getting stuck to fireworks and lightning igniting dead palms, palm tree rescues are serious business.

Las Vegas Fire & Rescue’s (LVFR) Technical Rescue Team, Heavy Rescue 44, has been receiving training on how to handle palm tree rescues from a professional tree service in Las Vegas. Because the rescues have been newsworthy recently, both LVFR and First Choice Tree Service held media demonstrations to show some of the capabilities of the rescue team. “We would like to deliver a message to the community that this type of work is hazardous and risky,” said Timothy R. Szymanski, public education & information officer for LVFR.  Szymanski reported that LVFR Heavy Rescue 44 has responded to three events in the past 18 months.

This Month in Fire History

March 1, 1911 – The Weeks Act authorizes federal and state cooperation in forest fire protection

March 2, 1970 – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) bans tetrachloride fire extinguishers

March 5, 1770, Boston, MA – A false alarm leads to confrontations that result in the Boston Massacre

March 10, 1941, Brockton, MA – The Strand Theater fire roof collapse kills 13 firefighters

March 17, 1631, Cambridge, MA – The first fire prevention legislation passed

March 18, 1951 – Sparky the Fire Dog is “born”

March 19, 1896, New York, NY – Insurance groups form a committee to design what will become the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

March 25, 1911, New York, NY – The Triangle Shirtwaist fire kills 145

March 25, 1990, New York, NY – The Happy Land Social Club fire kills 87

March 29, 1929 – Michigan passes the first state law banning the public use of fireworks

Courtesy of NFPA

For details on fires that occurred 100 years ago this month, turn to Paul Hashagen’s “Rekindles” on page XX.

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Firehouse Staff

Content written and created by Firehouse Magazine editors. 

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