Ecolab offers a solution for EMS professionals to attain a 6-log sporicidal kill on exposed surfaces within vehicles during an automated decontamination process with the Bioquell BQ-EMS utilizing hydrogen peroxide vapor technology. The system uses Bioquell Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant to kill organisms in enclosed areas. The Bioquell BQ-EMS system from Ecolab is portable, lightweight, and developed for use in emergency response vehicles with proven efficacy. The system allows you to reclaim vehicles immediately after a decontamination cycle is complete. With the area left residue-free, no wipe downs are required after the cycle. Not only can the Bioquell BQ-EMS be used in your vehicles, but it can also be used to decontaminate other areas as well. Small equipment closets, offices, common areas, and more. Click here for more.