Ewing Township Fire Department, West Trenton Volunteer Fire Company, Mercer County, New Jersey. 2010 Spartan / Rescue 1 heavy rescue is equipped with a 4 door 8 seat climate controlled cab, raised roof, full height rear doors, Cummins 425hp ISL Diesel engine, Allison 3000 EVP automatic transmission, interior command center, ROM shutters, Stokes rescue basket, Wil-Burt Night Scan, LED compartment lighting, On Scene Revolutions slide out tool trays, saws, fans, tarps, forcible entry tools, Hurst extrication tools, slide out tool boards, coffin style compartments, rear roof top access, FRC quartz lights, air cart, ground ladders, cribbing, oil dry hopper, Hazmat gear, Warn 12 ton cable winch, fire extinguishers, Paratech struts, Dewalt tools, air bags, EMS gear, 45kW pto Magna Plus generator, front bumper mounted Hurst tool with hydraulic reel, Federal Q2B mechanical siren, twin front brow lights, LED warning lights, 5 hannay reels; 2 electric, 3 hydraulic. Sold through Rescue 1 of Manasquan, New Jersey.
The salesman was Jamie Palito, and the cost was $632,000 approx.