March Air Force Base, California, recently took delivery of a Mobile Concepts by Scotty trailer-based Mobile Emergency Operations Center (MEOC) that meets nearly all requirements to be classified as a FEMA Type III mobile communications center. Due to research conducted by the company’s vice president of sales Chris Simon, Mobile Concepts learned that the trailer would qualify as a FEMA Type-III MEOC with the addition of a satellite broadband communication system.
March Air Force Base, California, recently took delivery of a Mobile Concepts by Scotty trailer-based Mobile Emergency Operations Center (MEOC) that meets nearly all requirements to be classified as a FEMA Type III mobile communications center.
Due to research conducted by the company’s vice president of sales Chris Simon, Mobile Concepts learned that the trailer would qualify as a FEMA Type-III MEOC with the addition of a satellite broadband communication system.
Mobile Concepts’ floor plan and specifications for their Mobile Command 35-4WS already contained many of the requirements for this classification such as custom trailer chassis, 2 to 4 work stations, radio frequency communications, satellite system for cellular and faxing services, on-scene video surveillance, hardwired and wireless LAN, among others.
The new trailer will be available for purchase on the company’s GS-30F-0012T schedule on GSA Advantage shortly.