The Fox Television reality show "Trading Spouses: Meet Your New Mommy" is currently looking to cast a family with firefighting mother, according to casting associate Namita Chopra.
"We're always looking for unique moms with great personalities and are interested in how the dynamic would work with a family that has a female firefighter as the mother," she said. "I think it would be a very interesting twist."
The show, which is going into its third season, begins filming in July and is set to premier later this year. Chopra said that in order to be eligible for the show, the parents must be married and have children above the age of six.
The show's concept swaps out the female figureheads of two families -- as the title suggests -- and observes differences in parenting styles as the respective mothers spend one week with their new family. At the end of the episode, each family receives $50,000.
Chopra said the show is only as interesting as the people are. "They need to have an engaging personality and have opinions and passions," she said. "Energetic people with strong personalities always make the show better."
To gain more information about casting for the show, call Namita Chopra at 323-802-0486 or visit the Trading Spouses Web site.