KENOSHA, Wis. --
Kenosha firefighters said they were attacked while on the job Saturday night.
The crews said they responded to a garage fire and found the homeowners and some of their friends drunk.
Firefighters said the people cursed at them, told them to leave and a woman threw a wine bottle at a firefighter.
The homeowner admitted one woman was mouthing off, but said that was as far as it went.
"I wouldn't permit anyone on my property to throw anything. Nobody threw anything," homeowner Jane Davis said
"We don't need anyone impeding the progress of putting the fire out and making things worse," Kenosha firefigher Guy Santelli said.
The homeowners received citations for unlawful burning.
The fire department said is has been called to the house several times in the past for violations of burning ordinances.
The woman who threw the bottle was cited for obstructing a firefighter.