Firefighters in Calif. Donate Flags, Lights on Flag Day
Source San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.
June 14-- SAN BERNARDINO -- Bagpipers and drummers played as a new American flag was raised and unfurled Friday over the Veterans Monument in the city's La Plaza Park.
Old Glory gleamed in the morning sun as veterans, community leaders and San Bernardino firefighters saluted or stood at attention in the westside park.
The American and California flags and new LED solar lights to top the poles were presented as a Flag Day gift to the veterans of VFW Post 8737 and the city from the Firefighters Local 891.
A Flag Day dedication seemed appropriate timing for the gift, according to fire engineer Nathan Lopez.
"We wanted to have a special little ceremony for donating the flags on Flag Day and do it as a partnership with the VFW veterans because this is their memorial," Lopez said.
Copyright 2013 - San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.