C4I Launches New Deployable AMICS Product

April 25, 2012
The product is a communications hub designed for users with rapid deployment requirements

RESTON, VA— C4i recently released the latest product in its SwitchplusIP® communications suite. The Advanced Multi-Interface Interoperable Communications Systems (AMICS) was showcased at the DEFEXPO 2012 conference in New Delhi.
The product is a communications hub designed for users with rapid deployment requirements with a wide range of communication assets, such as tactical Air Defense Systems, Military Air Traffic Control, disaster recovery command centers and homeland security tactical response.
The AMICS provides a VoIP based communications system allowing numerous disparate communications systems to be linked together at a particular location, supporting both manned and unmanned operations.
“Simple to setup and operate, the system ensures speedy access to communications assets”, said Peter Harrison, C4i’s Managing Director. “Within minutes of deployment, users can power the system up from either local AC or battery DC and connect to PABX systems, GSM/3G networks, digital and analog radios systems, VoIP and analog phones”, Harrison said.
The system removes traditional boundaries between users with differing communication types. With features such as Press-to-Talk and conferences available from telephone handsets to both conventional and two-way radios. With a focus on interfaces, power options and deployability, C4i sees this product as a further evolution of its Mobile Incident Response Trailer (MIRT), released end of 2011, which provides similar communications system packaged in a towable 6x9 trailer format for emergency response applications.  
The AMICS format offers further flexibility for transportation in vehicles or aircraft and adds redundancy with all core components duplicated to better cater for mission critical applications.  The system is capable of connecting 100’s of communications assets at a single site as well as being networked with other similar nodes providing a distributed system of systems solution where required.
C4i has been delivering its latest generation SwitchplusIP® VoIP technology to niche markets such as Air Defense, Air Traffic Control, Public Safety and Maritime Ports for over six years and has continued to evolve its product offering over this period. The release of the AMICS further cements C4i’s position at the forefront of this diverse mission critical communications market.
About C4i, Inc.
Based in Reston, Virginia, USA, Melbourne, Australia, and Singapore  the company has over 20 years of experience enhancing the reach and scope of communications networks in the areas of defense, homeland security, public safety and public infrastructure through the application of advanced technologies. C4i is one of the publicly traded Longreach Group companies. For more information about C4i, visit www.C4i.com <http://www.C4i.com> . Contact them via email: [email protected] or reach them by phone: 1-877-COMMS12 (1-877-2666712

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