Firesoft Offers App For Structure Fire Scene Command

May 17, 2013
Firesoft LLC now offers iCommand: Structure Fires designed for Apple’s iPad. It brings time-tested concepts from military doctrine together with the latest in tablet computer technology.
Simple, visual and universal – Incident Commanders can easily track accountability, task-organize and adapt to any structure all while providing alerts and reminders to keep you focused.
The App enhances the best practice standard of keeping commanders stationary at a big-picture vantage point, with its remarkable ability to aid in recollection of events.
It provides unparalleled feedback and situational awareness as the incident unfolds – and the best part is that iCommand takes minutes to learn and only hours to master.
Designed for departments of all sizes and types, the program offers real-time accountability at-a-glance and captures important post-incident reporting data.
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