SAXON, INC. has developed new tag signage labels with a writable laminate and a special post-it type removable adhesive that doesn't fall off and leaves no messy residue when removed.
SAXON, INC. has developed new tag signage labels with a writable laminate and a special post-it type removable adhesive that doesn't fall off and leaves no messy residue when removed.
Special features include, four sizes to choose from (3 W'x6"; 8"x 5 7/8"; 8 W x 10 7/8"; 9"x15") • A writable laminate that also protects the sign from all outdoor weather conditions. • A special post-it type removable adhesive that won't fall off or be blown away. Leaves no residue when removed. • Pricing includes all set up charges and copy preparation with PDF proofs. • Available with 1 to 4 color process printing at same price. • Quantities available from 125 and up.