NJ Student Firefighter Receives IFSJLM Award
The International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management (IFSJLM) is pleased to announce that Jim Aleski received the IFSJLM Annual Research Symposium OSU Student Presentation Prize. Aleski was recognized in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the annual IFSJLM Research Symposium.
During the opening session, Jim Aleski received the Prize and presented a paper on the findings of his recent MS thesis research.
Jim Aleski’s presentation, “Getting Engaged: Facebook and the Fire Service,” was well received and generated many questions from the Symposium participants. This is a description of his paper:
This study conducts analyses on fire departments’ official Facebook pages to determine what is posted and what factors influence the amount of engagement in the forms of likes, comments, and shares, these posts receive. Findings offer guidance to fire departments on how to better engage their followers and foster relationships via Facebook on an ongoing basis.
Jim Aleski has over 20 years of experience in the fire service and is a Firefighter EMT with the Cherry Hill (NJ) Fire Department (CHFD) and the Social Media Director of the Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey (PFANJ), a state level organization of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). He holds a Master of Science in Fire and Emergency Management Administration from Oklahoma State University and a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications from Emerson College.
The Prize is made possible by a gift to the Oklahoma State University Foundation by Dr. John Granito and his daughter Michele Conners. The Prize allows an Oklahoma State University student in the Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology undergraduate and graduate programs or the Political Science Fire and Emergency Management Administration graduate programs (MS or PhD) to attend the Research Symposium held annually in July in Oklahoma.
The student selected receives a cash prize, lodging at the symposium hotel, and the opportunity to present a paper on a topic related to fire service leadership and management as part of the Research Symposium.
IFSJLM delivers the Annual Research Symposium on the Saturday prior to the opening session of the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) Validation Conference (see http://www.ifsjlm.org). The IFSJLM, the research symposium and the IFSTA Validation Conference are sponsored by Fire Protection Publications (FPP), the world’s leading publisher of fire-related training and educational materials located at Oklahoma State University.
The Research Symposium 2018 will be held Saturday, July 14, 2018. For more information about past or future Research Symposia, please contact Dr. Robert E. England, Founding Editor, International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management at [email protected]. You may also view the Journal website at http://www.ifsjlm.org/.