Man Charged in Shooting Death of CA Fire Captain

Jan. 31, 2022
Stockton Fire Capt. Vidal "Max" Fortuna died after being shot at the scene of a dumpster fire Monday morning.

Police have charged a man after he allegedly shot a veteran Stockton Fire Department captain at a fire scene Monday morning 

Capt. Vidal "Max" Fortuna, 47, died at the hospital after the shooting occurred at Aurora and Market streets, adjacent to railroad tracks.

Fire Chief Rick Edwards said firefighters from Engine 2 were called to a dumpster fire around 4:45 a.m. and found the fire impinging on a structure, according to As crews were putting out the fire, a gunshot was heard and Fortuna was struck.

"Firefighters quickly transitioned to provide EMS care for their fallen and transported him to the local hospital," Edwards said in a press conference. 

Fortuna died from his injuries at the hospital.

"Today is a tragic day for Max Fortuna's family and a tragic day for his family at the fire station," Stockton Firefighters Local 456 president Mario Gardea said.  

Police took Robert Somerville, 67, into custody at the scene and later charged him with murder, according to CBS Sacramento. Police recovered a .38 caliber pistol at the scene.

“My dad does not have any prior violent history or anything like that,” his son, Tre Somerville told the television station. “He’s really a community man, as well. 

“I would like to say that you know my family would like to send our condolences to the Fortuna family,” Tre said “It’s very unfortunate what happened today, and it’s just a freak circumstance.”

At a press conference and surrounded by firefighters, Gardea called Fortuna, a 21-year member of the department, a "legacy firefighter."

"Today was a good representation of the type of person Max was. Max was a firefighter who showed up every day and never complained about being on the job," said Gardea. "I don't know too many other firefighter who enjoyed the job as much as him."

"This is my worst nightmare as a fire chief," Stockton Fire Chief Rick Edwards said. "My message to my firefighters is to be strong, my heart breaks with you but we will get through this."

Fortuna leaves behind a wife and two children.

About the Author News

Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.

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