Careers & Education
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Careers & Education
 August 12, 2020

Take a look at this new report from UL FSRI on response recommendations after a lithium-ion battery storage system explosion in Surprise, AZ.

Check out this peer-reviewed journal article published in Fire Technology that addresses repeated exposure and cleaning of structural turnout gear.

From our sponsor: Earn Your Degree Online Between Responses with Waldorf University.

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Aug20Higher Education Pic
Benjamin Martin discusses the differing perspectives on what qualifies someone for a leadership position in the fire service.
Peter Matthews
Peter Matthews observed plenty of discussion regarding mentoring at The Fire Chiefs Virtual Summit.
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The tentative deal, which still needs to be ratified by Chicago's firefighter union and approved by lawmakers, includes raises covering July 2017 through June 2021.
A shift change that began in July has Wilmington firefighters working 24 hours on and 48 off compared to the old system that had them work 24 hours on and 72 off.
Columbus firefighter Mark Newman, who was the first line-of-duty death for the department, was given a new headstone at a ceremony held in his honor.
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