Leadership & Command
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Leadership & Command
 October 06, 2020

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we're going virtual this year with Firehouse Expo Direct. Click here to see what's on offer and start your registration.

Click here to submit your nominations by Nov. 13 for our 2020 Emergency Vehicle Technician of the Year Award.

Firehouse is conducting two surveys, one on women in the fire service and another on thermal imaging cameras, to help us better understand multiple aspects surrounding these topics. Take part and pass them on!

Stay safe!

Jason Decremer and Mark Waters touch on some best practices for fire service leaders when bringing on new personnel, including setting benchmarks for success and opening strong lines of communication.
Harry Carter
Dr. Harry Carter explains that one's personal growth isn't enough unless it's shared with others.
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David Griffin
Harold Schaitberger, who has been president of the International Association of Fire Fighters since 2001, announced his decision as the union faces a federal probe into improper pension payments.
“All of our folks tried so hard for that little child, and we comforted that family as best we could. And they were so appreciative," said Columbus Fire Chief Salvatore Scarpa.
Heated debates between Green Lake Township Fire Chief David Cutway and the township's supervisor led to the sudden termination of the chief at a recent board of trustees meeting.
During her talk show, Drew Barrymore presented the check to Upper McKenzie Fire Chief Christiana Rainbow Plews, who stayed with her crews even after losing her two homes to the Holiday Farm Fire.
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