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 July 06, 2021

Take advantage of our Super Saver rates for Firehouse Expo Sept. 14-18 in Columbus, OH.

The 2021 Station Design Conference will convene Aug. 24-26 at the Hilton at the Ballpark in St. Louis.

Sign up for a chance to join a group of 50 EMS chiefs at the EMS Summit in Tucson, AZ, Aug. 10-12.

Firehouse is accepting nominations for the 2021 Station Design Awards with a submission deadline of July 28.

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Leadership Lessons New
Dr. David Griffin reminds officers that the people who they lead seek not only direction but inspiration and caring.
Ethics are an integral part of today’s fire departments, and Kris Blume argues that without a consistent and modern ethical framework, departments will decline.
Tommy Richardson, the department's chief of fire operations, has been named chief of department, and Assistant Chief John Hodgens will take over Richardson's former role.
Tybee Island's fire chief stepped down a month after he was put on paid administrative leave after at least eight employees made complaints against him.
A former Rockport fire chief is suing the town for wrongful termination, claiming his dismissal hearing 10 months before retirement was "ridiculing, disparaging and defamatory."
Tampa Fire Chief Nick LoCicero had been on administrative leave while under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
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