Safety & Health
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Safety & Health
 November 26, 2021

The application period for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program is now open.

Firehouse is pleased to present the winners of the 2021 Station Design Awards program.

Need to update your shift calendar? Our online tool can generate your personal calendar in seconds.

Get the latest news and product information about firefighter PPE here.

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook: Firehouse Magazine | Firehouse Expo | Products & Innovations

Stay safe!

Phil Blechman explains how body composition, aerobic capacity, muscular power and endurance significantly improve firefighter performance.
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Michelle Fayed offers an explanation for how a culprit other than PTSD is affecting the mental health of numerous members of the fire service.
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President Biden has signed multiple pieces of legislation that expand public safety officer benefits and help agencies combat the wildfire emergency.
Essex firefighters are among a group of 17 fire departments participating in a national mental health study related to the pandemic.
Watertown's fire chief is frustrated with a ruling that absolves the State Fire Academy of any wrongdoing in the death of fire recruit Peyton Morse.
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