Safety & Health
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Safety & Health
 December 31, 2021

December was a tragic month for firefighters on roadways, with two firefighters killed in struck-by incidents and several fire apparatus hit on roadways.

While the U.S. Fire Administration is still reviewing reports, they have confirmed 136 LODDs in 2021, with 45 percent of the deaths related to COVID-19. 

The family of the Shanksville, PA, fire chief who headed up the local response to the United Flight 93 crash on 9/11 is asking for help for their hero, who is need of a heart transplant.

The staff of Firehouse would like to wish you and your families a safe, healthy and happy New Year.

OSHA Regulations
Clarence "Chip" Jewell explains that proposed mandates by OSHA will take a serious toll on all fire departments, especially the volunteer fire service.
Billy Goldfedder
Billy Goldfeder's column explains how multiple missteps on the fireground led to a firefighter in peril on the Jersey Shore.
Sep21Chief's Corner Pic6(peer To Peer)
Work Life Balance Richardson Pic1
A police report shows the Kansas City firefighter was not wearing a seat belt when the door opened and he fell from the moving apparatus.
A police report shows the Kansas City firefighter was not wearing a seat belt when the door opened and he fell from the moving apparatus.
Researchers at the University of Arizona are looking at the impacts of wildland fires on firefighters, including carcinogen exposures.
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