Firehouse Rescue eNL - Aug 11th, 2023
Firehouse Rescue eNL | View online
August 11, 2023

Jake Hoffman presents "The Rescue Mindset" at Firehouse Expo 2023, where he will help attendees develop a "rescue mindset" so they are better prepared to make informed decisions when presented with complex and challenging situations that may require equipment and techniques to be pushed to their limits. Concepts such as the "100/50/25 Rescue Plan" will be introduced to help attendees rapidly and effectively develop a plan for their next rescue incident. Register now!

From our newsletter sponsor: At HURST Jaws of Life, we build rescue tools that extend lives. Visit

Stay safe!

Nicolas Garon shares a Louisiana volunteer fire department’s strategies and actions during Hurricane Ida.
Scott Lancaster shares five lessons learned that emerged from the response to a WUI-induced fire at buildings that contained corrosive, flammable, poisonous and toxic chemicals.
Ryan Pennington leaves nothing open to dispute regarding the need for members of a rescue team to base a victim's removal on the severity of that individual's injuries.
Rescue-training expert Michael Daley provides hands-on-useful instruction for structural-collapse rescuers.
Firefighters in Pilesgrove requested the assistance of rescue teams from Salem and New Castle County.
Durham Rescue 1 team witnessed the incident 140-feet above them and sprung into action.
The Papillion technical rescue team dealt with extreme temperatures and an elevator full of dust.