Andy Fredericks Training Days is hosted annually in Alexandria to continue Andy's legacy of excellent instruction on the basic operations of structural firefighting.
Not only will these training days be filled with high quality instruction, but they will also be loaded with living tributes to one of the true fire service leaders of our time. This year we are pleased to welcome the following instructors:
Battalion Chief John Salka (FDNY); Division Chief (Ret.) John Norman (FDNY); Lieutenant Tony Carroll (DCFD); Lieutenant John Cereillo (FDNY); Firefighter Joel Kanasky (FDNY); Captain Michael Sharpe (AFD); Lieutenant Daniel McMaster (AFD); Lieutenant David Barlow (FCFR); Lieutenant Fred Ill (FDNY); Firefighter Jim Hodges (FDNY)
Registration Donation is $100 for all three days of training.
Andy Fredericks was killed while operating as a member of the Fire Department of New York, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Prior to his appointment to the FDNY, Andy began his career as a member of the Alexandria Fire Department in Northern Virginia. Shortly after his death The Fredericks Family Fund was established to support the secondary education of his two young children.
All Proceeds of Andy Fredericks Training Days benefit The Fredericks Family Fund