Husky Portable Containment is a leading manufacturer of Firefighting and environmental safety products. Our specialty is folding frame tanks, self-supporting tanks, salvage covers, de-con pools and showers plus many more products related to the fire industry. We invented and patented (Patent #8,746,478 and #10,518,967) our Portable Liquid Storage Tank with our “Easy Lift Handles” that are welded to the floor of all our folding frame tanks. Easy Lift Handles help remove standing water and helps fold the liner in the frame for storage. Husky has other folding frame tanks including double folding tanks, Leading Edge® tanks, Skinny® Tanks, which are used on one-lane back roads plus our new patent pending Extra Capacity PRO500™ tank. Please feel free to call or email us for more information about our many products we offer in the firefighting water shuttle industry and the environmental safety industry. You can also visit us at