Canadian Firefighters Stop Dog's Accidental Joyride

April 22, 2021
A canine left alone in a car inadvertently knocked the vehicle out of park and sent it rolling down an Edmonton street before firefighters were able to stop it.

A dog in Canada somehow managed to hijack a car.

The pooch apparently knocked the car out of park as he waited for his owner while alone in the vehicle, resulting in a very much unplanned spin down a street in Edmonton.

The Edmonton Journal reports that the incident took place on Tuesday afternoon on the city’s west side. An individual alerted authorities after seeing a dog in a car rolling down the street by itself, prompting firefighters to respond.

Both the dog and the car were safely apprehended within minutes. Fortunately, no injuries were reported and no damage had been done.

According to CTV News Edmonton, Brittany Lewchuck—spokesperson for the Edmonton Fire Rescue Services (EFRS)—explained how the dog had accidentally shifted the car into neutral.

Whether the dog was wearing his seatbelt—or whether he received a ticket for driving without a license or opposable thumbs—remains undisclosed.


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