CA Firefighters Face Challenging Fire at Former Radio Station
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Wind and hydrant locations created challenges for California firefighters battling a fire that erupted at a former radio station late Tuesday and early Wednesday.
Fresno Fire Department crews responded to the call at the vacant station shortly after 11 p.m., KFSN-TV reports. Flames began to shatter windows and engulf the building soon after they arrived.
"One of the concerns we had was when some of the windows started breaking on this north side," Battalion Chief Tim Fulmer said.
Firefighters also had to contend with getting water to the fire. The nearest hydrant was across the street, and crews had trouble accessing it.
Strong winds were another issue firefighters encountered.
"We knew the wind was going to feed the fire," Fulmer said. "We were prepared for it, so we had our ladder pipes up … ready to go in a defensive posture."
No one was injured during the call. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Fresno Fire investigator Jay Tracy told The Fresno Bee that firefighters have responded to nearly 5,400 fires this year.