NY First Responders Tackle Car "Under House"
By Rylee Kirk
Source syracuse.com (TNS)
Syracuse, N.Y. — Taylor Gwilt was in the shower at her home in Eastwood Thursday morning when she heard a crash.
“It was the loudest crash I’ve ever heard,” she said.
She wrapped a towel around herself and walked into the living room. In the corner where her mom keeps her plants there was now a hole.
At first she thought the basement ceiling had collapsed. Her dad thought lightning had hit the house.
They were both wrong. A Volkswagen sedan went off the street, crossed the front lawn and slammed into the corner of the house at 155 Ridgewood Dr. The car narrowly missed the American flag on the front lawn.
Gwilt, still in her towel, called 911 and her dad went outside. The man in the car told them he had fallen asleep at the wheel.
At 10:20 a.m., the fire department, police and an ambulance went to the house, according to dispatches from the Onondaga County 911 Center. Dispatchers told responders the car was “under the house.”
The floor that serves as the basement ceiling is visible from the outside. Insulation is all over the front lawn.
In the eight years Gwilt has lived there she said they’ve never had police, firefighters, or EMS at their house. All the neighbors came out to see what the fuss was about. One woman walked over with her dog.
Once the car was removed utility workers arrived to turn off the electric and gas.
Gwilt said she usually works from home in their living room. It was lucky she was in the shower.
Any closer and it would’ve hit her dog, she said.
Workers were still determining if they could continue to stay at the house, she said. They at least have to get a new porch.
“It’s devastating,” she said.
Syracuse.com | The Post-Standard has reached out to the Syracuse Police Department for more information.
Staff writer Rylee Kirk covers breaking news, crime and public safety. Have a tip, story idea, photo, question or comment? Reach her at 315-396-5961, on Twitter @kirk_rylee, or [email protected].
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