You’re Breathing Wrong!

Jan. 25, 2022
Marissa Ebert provides breathing techniques to improve your performance and to extend your life.

As you read this, chances are that you might not know any breathing techniques other than the standard automatic breathing that occurs without having to think about it and the classic, most well-known deep-breathing exercises. You might have a huge aversion to “mouth breathers,” as they are so politely referred to, and have no idea that you yourself likely engage in mouth breathing—and, in fact, are doing so as you read this article.

Not only are you potentially breathing through your mouth, but you are breathing in a shallow manner from your chest. What I’m here to tell you is that you aren’t alone and there are more than two ways to breathe. Think about your breath as a multipurpose tool that you carry every second of every day. Certain scenarios might require one specific tool, while others might require a different tool.

I can say with certainty that you’re breathing as you read this article. Your breath is an indicator of life. You are breathing; therefore, you are alive. No, I am not a pulmonologist. I was raised by two first responders (now retired) and decided to take another path in life by becoming a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC).

The first responder environment continues to be a large part of my life, as I am married to a full-time firefighter/paramedic. As a first responder spouse, you see and hear things about the job, but as a counselor, you pay close attention to the first responder’s mechanisms of coping, whether effective or ineffective. What I can tell you is that I never heard about first responders being taught different breathing techniques to help with the copious amounts of scenarios that they face. Firefighters, in particular, know the importance of breathwork because of their SCBA. Slowing down their breathing means longer canister life, but are they breathing in a way that is more efficient for their mind and body in and outside of fire scenarios?

Retrain your mind

Retraining your mind to breathe starts with nasal breathing. Even if you have a blockage of some kind, i.e., deviated septum, it still is a skill that’s essential to get the most out of your breath. In “The Breathing Cure,” Patrick McKeown wrote, “Nasal breathing performs at least 30 functions on behalf of the body. One of the most important of these is oxygenating the blood, organs and cells.”

Increased oxygen will boost your energy, decrease stress, increase recovery time after exercise or exertion, improve focus and concentration and increase your ability to relax. The side effects of breathing through your nose? Your performance and quality of sleep improves, you’ll feel better, and you’ll manage stress more efficiently.

As an LCPC, I’ve worked with many clients and shared the power of the breath. What I often say is, “To change your thoughts, you must first change your breath.” When the mind becomes stressed, worried or panicked, the breath rate increases and is in a shallow state. Shallow breathing only allows your lungs to partially fill with air, and the breath remains in the chest. The key to gain control over your breath is to inhale slowly through your nose and send the breath down to your belly; however, there are more components than just those two parts.

As you inhale slowly through your nose, your belly will expand, your ribs will expand, and your chest will rise. As you exhale slowly out of your nose, your chest, ribs and belly will lower. Yoga for First Responders refers to this as your three-part breath. It’s one form of tactical breathing. With this breath, you completely fill your lungs. Three-part breath takes practice and is encouraged to be utilized throughout the day, while on or off shift.

Now, swap out the word “thoughts” from my statement above with the word “brain.” “To change your brain, you must first change your breath.” The breath and the brain are connected. Changing the breath allows for the ability to change the mind. In “Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain,” Sharon Begley discusses how the adult brain is capable of neuroplasticity, meaning that the brain can form new connections and be rewired.

Protect yourself

When you think about this ability, think about it in the world of first responders. First responders face distressing situations and traumatic events on a daily basis. This distress and trauma negatively affect the brain and cause lasting changes if left untreated. First responders have been armed with the knowledge on how to protect and serve the public but haven’t been taught how to protect and serve themselves.

First responders are more likely to have significant health issues, both physical and mental, to divorce, to abuse substances and have increased rates of suicide than are civilians. If first responders can learn to breathe more effectively and efficiently, they would have the ability to be proactive in their health and to prevent some of these ailments. They can live a longer, healthier life rather than become another statistic.

We expect first responders to be superheroes or God-like, often forgetting that they are, in fact, 100 percent human. Departments focus so heavily on training first responders for their careers yet don’t arm them with the most important tool that they need to thrive: their breath.

I encourage you to educate yourself on nasal breathing, three-part breath and other breathing techniques to help to improve your health, to enhance your job performance and to increase your ability to cope with compounding stress. Go to your department and share what you learn. Encourage them to look into Yoga for First Responders.

The tools are out there to help first responders to shift out of survival mode and to become thrivers as they continue their careers or continue life past retirement. I’m writing to you as a first responder spouse, as the daughter of a retired law enforcement officer and a retired director of 9-1-1—and as a mental health professional who specializes in trauma. Civilians aren’t the only ones who need saving.

About the Author

Marissa Ebert

Marissa Ebert is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Illinois, a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200), a certified Yoga for First Responders Instructor, an adjunct professor at Rockford University, and specializes in working with trauma.  Ebert is the co-owner of Alternative Wellness Therapies and the owner of Alt Yoga. 

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