Ready Rack Launches Ready Decon Full-Spectrum Decontamination Line

April 20, 2022
The line includes a detergent, PPE & surface cleaner, as well as a skin wash.

Decontaminating and removing dangerous carcinogens from a firefighter’s PPE gear and skin is crucial to their health. Ready Rack strives to continue pushing to make safer and stronger decon methods that are easy to apply to any fire department’s routine. We continue to make leaps toward this goal by expanding our Health & Wellness products, the latest iteration, being the new Ready™ Decon Line!

The new launch of our Ready™ Decon Full-Spectrum decontamination line includes a Detergent, PPE & Surface Cleaner, as well as a Skin Wash. All three solutions are developed using CDC backed science specifically for first responders to protect themselves from harmful toxins that can degrade turnout gear while causing long-term illnesses. The Ready™ Decon line will be the strongest Full-Spectrum decon line available in the firefighting industry; cleaning all three major classes of contaminates. In addition to that, it is also the industry’s safest and most environmentally friendly. We achieved this by carefully monitoring the manufacturing process to adhere to NFPA 1851:2020 standards. Below, we will walk through each of the three new patent pending Ready™ Decon cleaners.

Ready™ Decon Detergent:

Ready™ Decon Detergent to washes and protects clothing and turnouts by following NFPA 1851: 2020, making it easier than ever to make sure your protective gear lasts longer! Ready™ Decon Detergent can pull out dirt, toxic chemicals, metal oxides, plastic residue, soot, drug residue, and cationic nuclear isotopes from turnouts without including harmful chemicals such as D-limonene. In addition, this detergent also doesn’t contain any citrus-based solvents! In short, Ready™ Decon Detergent keeps your gear clean without destroying it in the process!

Ready™ Decon PPE & Surface Cleaner:

Firehouse & PPE cleaners need to be tough without leaving anything harmful behind or damaging expensive gear! Many cleaners that take on oil, grease, and soot can damage team members or their PPE. For this reason, Ready™ Decon PPE & Surface Cleaner goes above and beyond typical all-purpose cleaners by meeting and exceeding NFPA 1851 standards for cleaning turnout gear. In addition to being safe to use on PPE, it is also safe for the fire apparatus, helmets, SCBA, and more!

Ready™ Decon Skin Cleanser:

Ready™ Decon Skin Cleanser is a foaming soap designed to help firefighters safely lift away toxins from their skin after a job or handling dirty gear. This firehouse cleansing soap does not contain Trisodium Phosphates, which are dangerous to first responders because they may help transport toxins deeper into the skin layers and possibly into the bloodstream. Ready™ Decon Skin Cleanser does everything your regular soap does, and more. This makes it an essential for firefighters to reduce exposure to cancer causing contaminants.

We are thrilled to have the absolute best decon solutions coming to the market! Ready Rack asked Ken Destree, a Deputy Fire Chief from Cary, Illinois, to give the new Ready™ Decon Line a shot before release, he said “The new Ready™ Decon line was some of the best we’ve used! It worked great for getting our gear and firefighters safely cleaned and ready for the next call! We are excited to have these new products to address ongoing cancer concerns.”

Ready Rack by Groves Incorporated is proud to serve the heroes of the firefighting community and will continue to innovate and add more products to our line. We work to improve the health and lifestyle of our firefighters while keeping them safe to fight another day. Be sure to visit Ready Rack at FDIC 2022 and learn more about the new Ready™ Decon product line!

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