One firefighter was burned on the arm after encountering a flashover at a two-alarm fire in Nazareth on Wednesday.
The fire happened at Pizza Joe's on Main Street just before 11 a.m. The three-story building has apartments on the the top two floors.
Two firefighters entered the structure without water, according to the Express Tiimes.
When the flashover occured, they were blown down the stairs.
Around :50 in the audio above, firefighters inside make a radio request for water and ventilation. At 1:10, a Mayday is called and command pulls crews from the structure.
The bulk of the damage was mostly contained to the second and third floors.
"It's a total loss. It's a real shame," said Fire Chief Danny Keenhold.
Audio from Nazareth, Pa., Mayday
Oct. 30, 2014
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