Injured IA Firefighter Visits Station
Source Moline Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, Ill.
Clinton Firefighter Adam Cain returned to the Central Fire Station in Clinton for the first time since being seriously injured while battling a grain bin fire at the Archer Daniels Midland plant in Clinton on Jan. 5.
Despite the snow and freezing temperatures, more than 100 family, friends and community residents turned out to welcome him home to the fire station.
Standing behind his son, Kevin Cain grasped his son’s shoulders and thanked everyone for their continuing support since the accident. After being released from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, a procession of vehicles made its way to the eastern Iowa community that buried fellow firefighter Lt. Eric Hosette on Jan. 12 who was killed battling the same fire. After about thirty minutes, Cain was helped into a Clinton Fire Department pickup truck and was driven home.
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