PCI Offers Cylinder Inspection Training in CA
Most fire departments send their bottles out for service. Why!? You could be doing this in-house and saving money, time and potentially lives and equipment. Do you really know the specific training credentials of the individual(s) inspecting and maintaining your life support equipment?
Wouldn’t you rather know for sure?
The training provided by Professional Cylinder Inspectors, Inc. (also known as Professional Scuba Inspectors or PSI-PCI) is the only training of its kind recognized, endorsed, referred to and used by the cylinder manufacturers; and recognized by the USDOT and the Compressed Gas Association. Other customers include NASA, NOAA, all branches of the military, fire personnel, police, scuba shops and many others where high pressure cylinders are utilized.
Bring your cylinder inspections in-house and save money, time and reduce the risk of cylinder issues.
We will be offering our training in Long Beach, CA, at the Convention Center Friday June 3 from 8am – 5pm. To sign up online visit our website: http://www.psicylinders.com/regional-training or call us at 425-398-4300. For more information on our courses please contact us or visit our website: http://www.psicylinders.com/inspectors/regional-training/8-traininginfo/61