HUMN Pharma Cracks the Code on Sleep

March 25, 2021
HUMN Pharmaceuticals has released the latest addition to its ethical healthcare line with a new formulation of the renowned GET SLEEPING sleep aid.

WINNIPEG - HUMN Pharmaceuticals announced today the release of their latest product in their ethical healthcare line. The new formulation of the renowned  GET SLEEPING™ product includes multiple clinically proven ingredients that unlike other products work together synergistically to affect the nervous system throughout the day and the night to calm the brain, reduce stress and anxiety and treat issues ranging from insomnia, sleep disorders and sleep disturbances.

GET SLEEPING contains valuable adaptogens such as lemon balm, Sun-Theanine®, valerian root, gastrodin, hops, tryptophan and melatonin in addition to Pharma-GABA® which is the only proven form of GABA that will break the brain-blood barrier, allowing people access to a very deep restorative sleep.

Registered with both the FDA and Health Canada as an approved natural product, the person looking for relief may be assured that they will be waking up refreshed and restored without exposure to medicines that accompany addiction, dependency and adverse side effects.

"What I like about GET SLEEPING in particular is that it actually nourishes the brain and the adrenal glands, and it helps to address the problems which cause the sleep issues in the first place. So, I think that's the key - the ingredients that they are using are ingredients that have been clinically tried. I have been using it every night and I have to tell you, it works really well." - Andrea Donsky, Brain Spanners.

The World Health Organization now estimates that during COVID, stress-related disorders now affect more than 450,000,000 individuals worldwide. There are various reasons for sleep disturbances, some of which include an imbalance or deficiency of neurotransmitters, increased levels of cortisol, stress and anxiety. Debilitating diseases result from such stress, many of which have a profound effect on a person's health, including insomnia and sleep disorders.

In order to get a good night’s sleep, GABA must be more dominant before going to bed. However, GABA as a supplement alone cannot cross the ‘Blood-Brain Barrier’ and therefore breaks down in the gut before it has the ability to make an impact. This is why many of the current sleep supplements on the market are not effective. Active ingredients of GET SLEEPING, including PharmaGABA®, have proven effective in human trials and clinical studies to be detected in the brain within 30 minutes of consumption, thereby calming the brain, reducing stress and anxiety, and reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.

The remaining ingredients in GET SLEEPING work synergistically by preventing enzymes in the brain that otherwise would degrade GABA. Most significantly, once a person falls asleep, GET SLEEPING also promotes delta brain activity to help a person reach non-REM sleep and REM sleep, the most important stages of sleep that allow a person to feel restored and refreshed.

“If you feel like you have had a lot of stress over your life, you’re not sleeping well or for that matter, even a physical trauma to the brain, this product GET SLEEPING is going to help. Unique to any other product I know of on the market, it’s going to reduce anxiety, it’s going to enhance neurotransmitters and cell-to-cell communication in your brain. GET SLEEPING has apoptogenic effect, so besides the ability to get you into that deeper sleep for longer, it helps you remain in sleep stages (3) three and (4) four for a longer period throughout the night so that your brain re-charges. The brain is really selective as to what it lets through. There is a lot of GABA on the market, but not a lot of PharmaGABA®, so the folks at HUMN Pharma have really cracked the code on sleep.” - Dr. Bryce Wilde

HUMN Pharma guarantees their product & for a limited time is extending a 10% discount to all essentials workers and first responders + FREE Shipping on any orders over $50 throughout the US and Canada so that everyone can finally GET SLEEPING™.

Take advantage of this offer for you or a loved one by visiting: and entering the promo code "1STRESPONDER."

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