GA FFs Add New to Tool to Decontaminate Gear

Nov. 8, 2023
Cobb County firefighters said the StormStick gets most of the contaminates out of their gear.

Cobb County firefighters have another item in their toolbox to help prevent cancer -- the StormStick.

"The amount of carcinogens that are in smoke – whether it be a residential or commercial fire – the numbers are through the roof now as opposed to what they were 30, 40 or 50 years ago before everything was made of plastic. Now, couches, carpet, furniture that's all pressboard, all of that is made out of plastics and when plastics burn it releases hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and a host of other chemicals we don't necessarily see," Cobb County Fire Capt. Ben Holley told a Fox reporter. 

"We're seeing a large increase in the number of firefighters being diagnosed with cancer, and the majority of those cancers turn out to be occupational," he added. 

Firefighters are now using a StormStick to decontaminate their gear after a call. It's easy to mount, the detergent is loaded and it's ready.

The Cobb County Pulbic Safety Foundation helped pay for the $2,500 stick and they're raising money to buy five more -- one for each battalion and a backup. 

"It gets most of the contaminates that their gear has absorbed from the incident off of their gear pretty quickly," Holley noted.


About the Author News

Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.