TX FF Injured in '20 Highway Incident Dies

Nov. 28, 2023
Lubbock Firefighter Matt Dawson and two other responders were working on I-27 when they were hit by a vehicle.

A Texas firefighter, severely injured in a 2020 incident that killed two other responders, has died.

State and local officials lauded Lubbock Firefighter Matt Dawson for his tireless efforts to make changes after he was seriously hurt as he was working along a road.

Dawson, Lubbock Police Officer Matt Nicholas Reyna and Lubbock Fire Rescue Lieutenant Eric Hill were at a crash scene on I-27 when a vehicle crossed the median and struck them. Hill and Renya died at the scene, according to everythinglubbock. 

Texas Representative Dustin Burrows said in a statement:  "During this past session, I was honored to join my colleagues to pass the Matt Dawson Act that provides first responders across Texas true compensation for life changing injuries incurred in the line of duty. Without Matt, his wife and his fellow first responders, the bill would not have made it to the Governor’s desk. God Bless Matt and his family."


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Firehouse.com News

Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.