Draper City, UT, Fire Chief Recalls Death of Colleague Killed in Wildfire

June 27, 2024
Learning that a hotshot was seriously hurt this week, hit home for Draper City Fire Chief Clint Smith who lost his colleague in 2018.

A Bonneville hotshot was severely injured battling the Little Twist Fire this week when a tree fell over, hit him and pinned him to the ground. 

Daniel Burns remains hospitalized and faces a long road to recovery.

Draper Fire Chief Clint Smith told KUTV the news hit close to home.

“Obviously my immediate thought was Matt,” he said.

He was thinking about Draper City Battalion Chief Matt Burchett, who died while fighting a fire in California in 2018.

“The result that day was an airdrop from a 747. A lot of velocity uprooted an 87-foot pine tree, and that pine tree came down on top of Matt."

The chief added that he considers the incident an accident.

“I personally don’t place any fault on any individuals that day other than to recognize that even the best of communication can result in unfortunate results,” he said.

It's also a reminder that fire situations can be chaotic.

He said communication and coordination are essential on all incidents.

"it's an unfortunate reminder of the risks that come with this profession."


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Firehouse.com News

Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.