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Whitepaper: Why Firefighters Resist Change

Feb. 23, 2021
Download the whitepaper "Why firefighters resist change and how to change that mindset" and find out why Vector Solutions’ Scheduling Software is essential to success.

Firefighters are notorious for resisting change, even when that change profoundly improves their work life. In fact, they will often go to great lengths to undermine proposed changes to preserve status quo. And that resistance brings real consequences even when the change is something as seemingly benign as a work scheduling platform. 

This white paper looks at what those real consequences are for fire departments. And more importantly, it explores the “why” behind this dilemma by looking at what makes the human mind cling so fiercely to the way we’ve always done it. The paper goes a step further and shows best practices from the private business world for how to move firefighters toward accepting and embracing change.

Click here to download.