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How to Improve Your ISO Ranking and Why It Matters

Aug. 23, 2021
This white paper will walk you through what a fire department can control within the ISO review process and how to maximize those areas.

Despite our best prevention efforts and our best suppression systems, fire remains a loss leader for those who insure residential and commercial structures. And ISO is the ratings system most insurers turn to when calculating that risk. An ISO rating affects insurance rates, which influences the ability of municipalities to attract home buyers and businesses, which ultimately helps determine municipal fiscal health — and fire department budgeting. It also carries a high public relations value, for better or worse.

An ISO review can be as unsettling as an IRS income tax audit. It is complicated, nuanced and evolving. For the unprepared fire department, it can be a complete mess.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. This white paper will walk you through what a fire department can control within the ISO review process and how to maximize those areas. It will discuss common mistakes fire departments make and how to avoid them. It will also look at best practices for managing fire department records on a day-to-day basis, so when it is ISO review time, fire department leaders have the ISO-required data at their fingertips.

You can download this special content here.