Urbandale, IA 50322


About FIREHOUSE Software


2900 100th St.
Suite 309
Urbandale, IA 50322
United States of America

More Info on FIREHOUSE Software

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FIREHOUSE Software by ESO is the industry’s most comprehensive and widely-used Fire & EMS records management and analytics system nationwide.  From small volunteer to large metro Fire and EMS departments, FIREHOUSE customers enjoy the security of knowing their records management software comes from the leader in the industry – and that it was built specifically for your unique Fire & EMS needs. FH products increase accuracy, accountability and safety, while making critical information management fast, simple and more cost effective.

Every day, first responders are presented with complex situations, dangerous environments, and loads of reporting requirements. FIREHOUSE Software (FH) is the only software developed by firefighters and EMS personnel – and refined over the last 24 years – to integrate seamlessly with every detail of your emergency operation - paperwork included. From the initial call to the final report, and everything in-between, FH provides you with the powerful tools and services you need to get the job done. 

The workhorse FH7 package uses an integrated database and graphical user interface so data is entered one time, even when used in different areas of the system. Our software is intuitive and easy to use without computer training, but training is available if you need it. As well, it meets all NFIRS and NEMSIS certifications – they’re a core component.  

Our clients rely on our commitment to providing valuable, versatile, and fully integrated solutions. We’re dedicated to helping you manage your day-to-day business operations & planning, field operations & decision support, communications, and technical challenges. 

All FIREHOUSE Software modules are seamlessly integrated for one complete solution, and the flexible, modular design means it can be used at Fire departments and EMS agencies regardless of size. By selecting the modules and scalability level that best meet your needs and budget, FH Software can be licensed and deployed in multiple ways. 

Each system includes advanced features for departments to tailor FIREHOUSE Software to their needs. Additional features to expand FH capabilities for the department can be added on to fit a customer’s needs.

Our customers choose us for many reasons:  we’re reliable, we’re responsive, we listen, and we find or create a solution for every Fire or EMS need.  We’re also flexible, we adapt, and do what it takes. The same is true for Xerox.  That’s why we partnered with Xerox years take our business and the value we bring to you to a new, more sophisticated and comprehensive level.  

Experience FIREHOUSE SOFTWARE, a Xerox solution, and you'll experience software, support, and services unmatched in the industry.

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