Xrf Corporation

Woburn, MA 01801


About Xrf Corporation


20-M Henshaw St.
Woburn, MA 01801

More Info on Xrf Corporation

Xrfcorporation 10063731

The Award Winning ICS-4000 Portable Radioactive Isotope Identifier is the best First Responders' instrument for the detection of radioactive material in the field. Weighing less than 2 pounds, this compact, hand-held radionuclide identifier can be worn under protective clothing.The ICS-4000 is both an alarming rate meter and a radioactive isotope identifier. The ICS-4000 automatically identifies radioactive materials and provides audible alarms to First Responders entering the hot zone. The ICS-4000 alarming rate meter offers the best dynamic range for a hand-held unit, measuring from micoRem (μR) to high milliREM (mR) field strengths.The EVA-2 emergency vehicle alarm provides a vehicle powered radiation alarm to any emergency vehicle. Powered by the vehicles battery, the EVA-2 is on the job any time that the engine is running. No problems remembering to replace batteries or remembering to turn on the alarm. Be aware of you radiation environment with the EVA-2.


Neil Murano

Sales Mgr.

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