ImageTrend, Inc.

Lakeville, MN 55044


About ImageTrend, Inc.


20855 Kensington Blvd
Lakeville, MN 55044

More Info on ImageTrend, Inc.

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ImageTrend’s Emergency Data Systems software solutions help emergency professionals collect and analyze important data for fire, EMS, trauma, emergency preparedness, licensure and more. Millions of electronic fire and patient care reports have been collected in the comprehensive solutions by local, regional, city and state users. Types of solutions include:

Visit or call ImageTrend at 888-469-7789 to learn more.

Products and Press Releases

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Rescue Bridge

Dec. 6, 2013
Rescue Bridge™ is an advanced and comprehensive fire and EMS solution incorporating ePCR, fire inspections, pre-planning and inventory data collection and management in a paperless...
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Apparatus Components

Waterous Hosts Home Day Activities For Elected Officials

Sept. 10, 2013
On Thursday August 22nd 2013, Waterous Company was pleased to host the 2013 Minnesota Home Day.With sponsor support from Rosenbauer-America, Physio Control, Image Trend, Emergency...

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